Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pills, Potions, and The Game| Nicki Minaj Video Bomb w/ Rate

 Well I definitely didn't want this reborn Nicki track to go unrated and not talked about on #E2TS. This song is a classic and a reminder for me of her first album Pink Friday. I was starting to think that this Rap goddess was getting lost but it seems as though she was just finding herself again. The visuals for most would be said to be a little weird and out there but if you really paid attention to Nicki early in her career weird is her middle name. She gave me the whole Lady Gaga, Katy Perry vibe just not as bold as those two ladies come. As always she had a leading man in the video and he definitely was great eye candy. She took it there with a shirtless Game in what some may say were intimate poses and shots. I enjoyed the video and liked all the cool effects. When I first heard the song I was instantly like YES!!!! She's back! The video further solidified that. I have rated the video and it is below for your viewing pleasures. Enjoy!


Lyrics: 5
Visual: 5
Star Potential: 5
Overall: 5
Favorite Line: " Self righteous, and entitled but they swearing on the bible that they love you when really their no different from all your rivals, but still I don't wish death on them I just reflect on'em."

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